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柏庆国,教授,博士生导师,管理学院副院长,华中科技大学管理学博士,山东省泰山学者青年专家,山东省高等学校青年创新团队负责人,《运筹与管理》编委。主要从事可持续供应链管理、运筹学理论及应用的研究。在国内外主流核心期刊European Journal of Operational ResearchOmega-The International Journal of Management Science, International Journal of Production EconomicsTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation ReviewAnnals of Operations ResearchComputers & Industrial Engineering《系统工程理论与实践》《中国管理科学》《管理工程学报》《管理学报》等发表论文70余篇。主持(完成)国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、省部级项目5项。作为首位人员获得山东省社会科学优秀成果二等奖1项和三等奖2项,山东省软科学优秀成果一等奖1项,作为主要成员曾获得山东省社会科学优秀成果一等奖1项,湖北省自然科学三等奖1项。曾到香港中文大学系统工程与工程管理系、加拿大康考迪亚大学工业工程系进行学术交流和访问。

联系方式:山东省日照市, 曲阜师范大学管理学院, 276800

电子邮件: hustbaiqg@163.com




2012.9-2016.6, 华中科技大学管理学院,管理科学与工程,博士


2005.72012.7, 曲阜师范大学,助教、讲师

2016.122019.12, 曲阜师范大学,副教授

2020.1—至今, 曲阜师范大学,教授

研究方向: 可持续供应链管理、运筹学理论及应用




2015.3-2015.9,加拿大Concordia University(康考迪亚)大学,研究助理

2018.9-2019.9, 加拿大Concordia University(康考迪亚)大学,博士后/研究助理


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(结题绩效评估为“优”)低碳视角下易腐品动态经济批量问题的鲁棒运作策略研究71771138

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目可持续供应链视角下新能源汽车制造企业的运营策略及鲁棒性分析(72271141


[1] 柏庆国(1/3), Revenue and promotional cost-sharing contract versus two-part tariff contract in coordinating sustainable supply chain systems with deteriorating items,山东省第三十四届社会科学优秀成果二等奖(2020

[2] 柏庆国(1/4), Effects of carbon emission reduction on supply chain coordination with vendor-managed deteriorating product inventory,山东省第三十五届社会科学优秀成果三等奖 2021

[3] 柏庆国(1/3),Emission reduction decision and coordination of a make-to-order supply chain with two products under cap-and-trade regulation, 山东省第三十六届社会科学优秀成果三等奖(2023


[5] 柏庆国(3/3),A two-echelon sustainable supply chain coordination under cap-and-trade regulation,山东省第三十二届社会科学优秀成果一等奖(2018

[6] 柏庆国(4/5),紧致化仓储系统设计与运行的优化理论与方法, 湖北省自然科学三等奖(2019

[7] 柏庆国(3/5), 创建四“三”二“五”教学模式,培养运筹与管理创新人才,山东省本科教学成果二等奖(2009


[1] Bai Qingguo, Jianteng Xu, Yeming Gong, Satyaveer S. Chauhan. Robust decisions for regulated sustainable manufacturing with partial demand information: Mandatory emission capacity versus emission tax. European Journal of Operational Research, 2022, 298(3): 874-893. ( SCI一区, ABS4)

[2] Ma Shouyu, Zied Jemai, Qingguo Bai. Optimal pricing and ordering decisions for a retailer using multiple discounts. European Journal of Operational Research, 2022, 299(3): 1177-1192. ( SCI一区, ABS4)

[3] Bai Qingguo, Jiguang Chen, Jianteng Xu. Energy conservation investment and supply chain structure under cap-and-trade regulation for a green product, Omega, 2023, 119102886 ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[4] Bai Qingguo, Yeming Gong, Mingzhou Jin, Xianhao Xu. Effects of carbon emission reduction on supply chain coordination with vendor-managed deteriorating product inventory. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, 208: 83-99. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[5] Bai Qingguo, Mingyuan Chen, Lei Xu. Revenue and promotional cost-sharing contract versus two-part tariff contract in coordinating sustainable supply chain systems with deteriorating items. International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 187: 85-101. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[6] Bai Qingguo, Jianteng Xu, Yuzhong Zhang. The distributionally robust optimization model for a remanufacturing system under cap-and-trade policy: A newsvendor approach. Annals of Operations Research, 2022, 309: 731-760. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[7] Bai Qingguo, Jianteng Xu, Satyaveer S. Chauhan. Effects of sustainability investment and risk aversion on a two-stage supply chain coordination under a carbon tax policy. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2020, 142, 106324. ( SCI一区, ABS2)

[8] Bai Qingguo, Jianteng Xu, Yingyu Zhang. Emission reduction decision and coordination of a make-to-order supply chain with two products under cap-and-trade regulation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 119: 131-145. ( SCI一区, ABS2)

[9] Bai Qingguo, Mingyuan Chen. The distributionally robust newsvendor problem with dual sourcing under carbon tax and cap-and-trade regulations. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016, 98: 260-274. ( SCI一区, ABS2)

[10] Bai Qingguo, Mingyuan Chen, Nikolaidis Yiannis, Jianteng Xu. Improving sustainability and social responsibility of a two-tier supply chain investing in emission reduction technology. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 95: 688-714. ( SCI一区)

[11] Bai Qingguo, Xianhao Xu, Jianteng Xu, Dong Wang. Coordinating supply chain for deteriorating items with multi-factor-dependent demand over a finite planning horizon. Applied Mathematical Modlling. 2016,40: 9342-9361. ( SCI一区)

[12] Xu Xianhao, Bai Qingguo (通讯), Mingyuan Chen. A comparison of different dispatching polices in two-warehouse inventory systems for deteriorating items over a finite time horizon. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2017, 41: 359-374. ( SCI一区)

[13] Bai Qingguo, Jianteng Xu, Fanwen Meng, Niu Yu. Impact of cap-and-trade regulation on coordinating perishable products supply chain with cost learning. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2021, 17(6): 3417-3444. ( SCI三区)

[14] Bai Qingguo, Fanwen Meng. Impact of risk aversion on two-echelon supply chains systems with carbon emission reduction constraints. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2020, 16(4):1943-1965. ( SCI三区)

[15] Bai Qingguo, Guihao Wang, Di Liu, Zhenning Zhang. Application of a distributionally robust optimization approach for single-period stochastic inventory problems with different carbon policies. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2023, 40(4), 2340001( SCI三区)

[16] Bai Qingguo, Hongling Lu, Fanwen Meng. Mean-variance analysis of sustainable newsvendor problems with stochastic demand under cap-and-trade policy. Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2024, 20(3): 441-459. ( SCI四区)

[17] Bai Qingguo, Xianhao Xu, Mingyuan Chen, Qian Luo. A two-echelon supply chain coordination for deteriorating item with a multi-variable continuous demand function. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 2015, 2(1): 49-62.

[18] Xu Jianteng, Qingguo Bai, Qian Luo. Energy conservation strategy and coordination of a closedloop supply chain with riskaverse members under carbon tax regulation. Operational Research: An International Journal, 2023, 23(3), 文献号52. (SCI二区)

[19] Xu Jianteng, Qingguo Bai, Zhiwen Li, Lili Zhao. Maximizing the profit of omnichannel closed-loop supply chains with mean-variance criteria. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2024, 113, 109030. (SCI二区)

[20] Qi Qi, Qingguo Bai, Jianteng Xu, Qian Feng. A comparative study on a firm’s optimal production decision considering risk aversion and carbon policies. RAIRO Operations Research, 2023, 57, 2025-2043. (SCI 三区)

[21] Ma Xueli, Jian Wang, Qingguo Bai, Shuyun Wang. Optimization of a three-echelon cold chain considering freshness-keeping efforts under cap-and-trade regulation in industry 4.0. International Journal of Production Economics, 2020, 220: 107457. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[22] Ma Xueli, Jinyue Mao, Qian Luo, Qingguo Bai. Effects of information superiority and green optimism on green supply chains under different power structures. International Journal of Production Economics, 2024, 268: 109105. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[23] Chen Yuyu, Bangyi Li, Guoqing Zhang, Qingguo Bai. Quantity and collection decisions of the remanufacturing enterprise under both the take-back and carbon emission capacity regulations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 141: 102032. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[24] Li Zhiwen, Xianhao Xu, Qingguo Bai, Cheng Chen, Hongwei Wang, Peng Xia. Implications of information sharing on blockchain adoption in reducing carbon emissions: A mean-variance analysis. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2023, 178, 103254. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[25] Li Zhiwen, Xianhao Xu, Qingguo Bai, Xu Guan, Kuan Zeng. The interplay between blockchain adoption and channel selection in combating counterfeits. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2021, 155: 102451. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[26] Li Zhiwen, Xianhao Xu, Qingguo Bai, Cheng Chen. Optimal joint decision of information disclosure and ordering in a blockchain-enabled luxury supply chain. Annals of Operations Research, 2023, 329: 1263-1314. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[27] Yue Ruiting, Xianhao Xu, Zhiwen Li, Qingguo Bai. Reusable packing adoption in e-commerce markets with green consumers: An evolutionary game analysis. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024, 81: 103818. ( SCI一区, ABS3)

[28] Qi Qi, Renqian Zhang, Qingguo Bai. Joint decisions on emission reduction and order quantity by a risk-averse firm under cap-and-trade regulation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 162: 107783. ( SCI一区, ABS2)

[29] Xu Jianteng, Guangmei Lyu, Qingguo Bai, Qian Luo. Robust pricing and inventory strategies for an omnichannel retailer under carbon tax and cap-and-offset regulations. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2023, 185, 109615. ( SCI一区, ABS2)

[30] Ma Xueli, Ying Zhao, Qian Luo, Qingguo Bai. Preservation technology investment and carbon abatement strategies in a supplier-retailer cold chain based on a differential game. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022,172: 108540. ( SCI一区, ABS2)

[31] Qi Qi, Jing Wang, Qingguo Bai. Pricing decision of a two-echelon supply chain with one supplier and two retailers under a carbon cap regulation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 151: 286-302. ( SCI一区, ABS2)

[32] Xu Jianteng, Qingguo Bai (通讯), Lei Xu, Tingting Hu. Effects of emission reduction and partial demand information on operational decision of a newsvendor problem. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 188: 825-839. ( SCI一区, ABS2)

[33] Xu Jianteng, Yuyu Chen, Qingguo Bai (通讯). A two-echelon sustainable supply chain coordination under cap-and-trade regulation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 135: 42-56. ( SCI一区, ABS2)

[34] Li Peng, Zhiwei Xu, Cuiping Wei, Qingguo Bai, Jian Liu. A novel PROMETHEE method based on GRA-DEMATEL for PLTSs and its application in selecting renewable energies. Information Sciences, 2022, 589: 142-161. ( SCI一区)

[35] Zhang Yingyu, Tiezhong Liu, Qingguo Bai, Wei Shao, Qiang Wang. New systems-based method to conduct analysis of road traffic accidents. Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2018, 54: 96-109. (SSCI二区)

[36] Zhang Long, Yuzhong Zhang, Qingguo Bai. Two-stage medical supply chain scheduling with an assignable common due window and shelf life. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2019, 37(1): 319-329. ( SCI三区)

[37] Zhang Long, Yuzhong Zhang, Qingguo Bai. An approximation algorithm for a supply-chain scheduling problem with an assignable common due window and holding time. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2022, 44(4): 2167-2179. ( SCI三区)

[38] Zhang Long, Yuzhong Zhang, Donglei Du, Qingguo Bai. Improved price of anarchy for machine scheduling games with coordination mechanisms. Optimization Letters, 2019, 13(4): 949-959. ( SCI四区)

[39] Xie Fang, Yuzhong Zhang, Qingguo Bai, Zhe Xu. Inefficiency analysis of the scheduling game on limited identical machines with activation costs. Information Processing Letters, 2016, 116(4): 316-320. ( SCI四区)

[40] Xie Fang, Zhe Xu, Yuzhong Zhang, Qingguo Bai. Scheduling games on uniform machines with activation cost. Theoretical Computer Science, 2015, 580: 28-35. ( SCI四区)

[41] 柏庆国,徐健腾. 碳政策下分布式鲁棒优化模型的生产与减排投资策略. 系统工程理论与实践2016, 36(7)1696-1709. (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[42] 徐健腾,柏庆国. 带学习效应的二级易变质产品供应链的最优策略研究. 系统工程理论与实践2013, 33(5): 1167-1174. (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[43] 柏庆国,徐贤浩. 碳限额与交易政策下易变质产品的最优库存策略. 中国管理科学,2017, 25(7)28-37.(CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[44] 柏庆国,徐贤浩. 带学习效应的双渠道供应链库存策略研究. 中国管理科学201523(2) 59-69. (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[45] 柏庆国,徐贤浩. 碳排放政策下二级易变质产品供应链的联合订购策略. 管理工程学报, 2018, 32(4): 167-177. (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[46] 柏庆国,徐贤浩,潘伟. 多分销渠道下易变质产品的联合库存与定价模型. 管理工程学报, 2017, 31(3): 84-92. (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[47] 陈玉玉, 李帮义, 柏庆国, 王哲, 王玥, 王玥. 碳交易环境下政府循环率规制对生产者尽规模式的影响机理. 管理工程学报, 2020, 34(4): 154-160. (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[48] 谢芳, 李洪波, 柏庆国. 随机多模式资源受限项目调度. 中国管理科学, 2022, 30(10): 155-164. (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[49] 徐健腾, 高莹, 柏庆国, 胡婷婷. 不同碳交易配额分配方法下的鲁棒减排运作策略研究. 管理工程学报. 2023, 37(3): 191-200. (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[50] 马雪丽, 赵颖, 柏庆国. 考虑保鲜努力与碳减排努力的生鲜品三级冷链最优决策与协调. 中国管理科学, 2023, 31(9): 52-61. (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[52] 李志文, 徐贤浩, 关旭, 柏庆国, 陈程. 农产品双寡头区块链采纳决策的演化博弈分析. 中国管理科学, 2023 (网络首发). DOI10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.1918 (CSSCI,管理科学部A)

[52] 柏庆国,张玉忠, 徐健腾. 易变质产品再带运输时间的二级供应链中的订购策略研究. 管理学报, 2011, 8(2): 294-300. (CSSCI,管理科学部B)

[53] 柏庆国, 徐健腾, 张玉忠. 基于收益共享契约的多周期易变质产品供应链协调模型. 运筹与管理, 2016, 25(2): 15-35. (CSSCI扩展版,管理科学部A)

[54] 柏庆国, 丁英珍, 徐健腾, 张玉忠. 碳政策下损失厌恶型全渠道零售企业的鲁棒订购策略研究. 运筹与管理, 已录用 (CSSCI扩展版,管理科学部A)

[55] 柏庆国, 丁英珍, 刘世豪, 徐健腾. 全渠道零售下损失厌恶型企业的低碳库存策略研究. 工业工程与管理, 2024, 9(6): 205-216. (北大核心,管理科学部B)

[56] 柏庆国, 史宝珍, 徐健腾. 风险规避下二级供应链的低碳减排运营策略. 系统工程, 2019, 37(3): 86-97. (CSSCI扩展版,管理科学部B)

[57] 徐健腾, 柏庆国. 时变价格下易变质品的双渠道两货栈系统优化. 系统工程, 2015, 33(10): 37-43. (CSSCI,管理科学部B)

[58] 王磊, 柏庆国, 任建峰. 具有两种运输方式选择的物流排序问题. 运筹与管理, 2021, 30(6): 1-5. (CSSCI扩展版,管理科学部A)

[59] 柏庆国, 徐健腾, 张玉忠, 徐贤浩. 带时变生产成本的易变质经济批量模型的最优策略分析(英文). 运筹学学报, 2013, 17(4): 109-122. (北大核心)

[60] 柏庆国, 徐健腾, 张玉忠. 基于多种运输渠道的经济批量问题的多项式时间算法. 运筹学学报, 2010, 14(3): 73-82. (北大核心)

[61] 张玉忠, 柏庆国. 碳税政策下时变需求依赖库存与价格的供应链协调模型. 运筹学学报2017, 21(2): 1-12. (北大核心)

[62] 柏庆国, 吕珊, 徐健腾. 需求信息部分已知下生鲜品的低碳订购策略研究. 工业工程, 2023, 26(1): 63-72. (北大核心)

[63] 徐健腾, 柏庆国. 低碳供应链鲁棒运营策略及协调优化[M]. 经济科学出版社, 20240-08-01.