浏览量: 更新日期:2019-04-01
田凤雷,(中国矿业大学基础数学专业)博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师。主要从事代数图论及有限群方面的研究。在国际核心期刊《Journal of Algebra and Its Applications》、《Communications in Algebra》、《Linear Algebra and its Applications》、《Discrete Mathematics》《European Journal of Combinatorics》等发表论文30余篇。主持(或主持完成)国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,山东省自然科学基金(博士基金)1项,山东省自然科学基金面上项目1项,山东省高校青年创新团队项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目多项。
联系方式:山东省日照市, 曲阜师范大学管理学院, 276800
电子邮件: tflqsd@163.com
2018.7—2021.12, 曲阜师范大学,讲师(青年副教授岗);
2021.12—至今, 曲阜师范大学,副教授
社会兼职: 美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员,德国《数学文摘》(Zentralblatt MATH)评论员.
2025.01-2027.12,图的 Laplacian 特征值重数与图的结构性质,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,主持;
2019.7―2022.6,图的匹配数与图能量的关系, 山东省自然科学基金(博士基金),主持;
指导学生竞赛获奖:指导本科生参加全国大学生数学建模竞赛,获省级二等奖、三等奖多项,美国数学建模竞赛M奖(Meritorious Winner)1项.
1. Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong. Generators of the automorphism group of a regular graph over a ring, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65, 5 (2017) 1045-1052.
2. Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong, Dongqin Sun. Automorphisms of the subspace sum graphs on a vector space. Ars Combinatoria, 152(2020) 247-256.
3. Dein Wong, Chi Zhang, Fenglei Tian, Automorphism group of the symmetry trace graph of real matrices. Communications in Algebra, (2022) DOI:10.1080/00927872.2022.2096894.
4. Long Wang, Xianwen Fang, Fenglei Tian. Automorphisms of the total graph over upper triangular matrices. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 19, 8 (2020) 2050161.
5. Dengyin Wang, Li Chen, Fenglei Tian. Automorphisms of the co-maximal ideal graph over matrix ring. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 16, 12 (2017) 1750226.
6. Dengyin Wang, Xiaobin Ma, Fenglei Tian. Automorphism Group of the Rank-decreasing Graph Over the Semigroup of Upper Triangular Matrices. Communications in Algebra, 44, 9 (2016) 4088-4096.
7. Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong, Jianling Rou. Proof for four conjectures about the distance Laplacian and distance signless Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 471 (2015) 10-20.
8. Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong, Xiaobin Ma. Lower bounds of distance Laplacian spectral radii of n-vertex graphs in terms of matching number. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 506 (2016) 579-587.
9. Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong. Graphs whose distance matrix has at most three negative eigenvalues. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 530 (2017) 470-484.
10. Fenglei Tian, Dengyin Wang, Min Zhu. A characterization of signed planar graphs with rank at most 4. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 64, 5 (2016) 807-817.
11. Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong. Relation between the skew energy of an oriented graph and its matching number. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 222 (2017) 179-184.
12. Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong. Relation between the matching number and the second largest distance Laplacian eigenvalue of agraph. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 558 (2018) 174-185.
13. Fenglei Tian, Li Chen, Rui Chu, Rank of the Hermitian-adjacency matrix of a mixed graph in terms of matching number. Ars Combinatoria, 137 (2018) 221-232.
14. Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong. Upper bounds of the energy of triangle-free graphs in terms of matching number. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 67, 1 (2019) 20-28.
15. Fenglei Tian, Dein Wong, Sai Wang. Characterization of graphs with some normalized Laplacian eigenvalue of multiplicity n−3, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 606 (2020) 127-143.
16. Fenglei Tian, Yiju Wang, Full characterization of graphs having certain normalized Laplacian eigenvalue of multiplicity n-3. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 630 (2021) 69-83.
17. Fenglei Tian, Yiju Wang, On the multiplicity of positive eigenvalues of a graph. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 652 (2022) 105-124.
18. Fenglei Tian, Shu-Guang Guo, Dein Wong, On the multiplicity of the least signless Laplacian eigenvalue of a graph. Discrete Mathematics, 345 (9) (2022) 112940.
19. Xiaobin Ma, Linming Qi, Fenglei Tian(通讯作者), Dein Wong. Graphs with some distance Laplacian eigenvalue of multiplicity n-3. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 557 (2018) 307-326.
20. Dein Wong, Xiaobin Ma, Fenglei Tian. Relation between the skew-rank of an oriented graph and the rank of its underlying graph. European Journal of Combinatorics, 54 (2016) 76-86.
- 上一篇:马凤明